At this time of transition for our family and our farm we are exploring new ideas to make our farm successful!
One of those ideas are Buying Clubs. A Buying Club is a way that you, our customer, can still get all of our Pasture Raised Meats that you have grown to love, but instead of either of us having to get up and go to a farmers market on the weekend we meet up at a drop point and we deliver your meats that you have pre-ordered online.
This helps us by knowing what we have sold, and only packing those items as well as keeps us from having to spend our entire weekend at markets.
We have loved our markets and getting to meet new people that share our love for farm fresh meats has been great, but we have lots to do on the farm to keep up with demand and we want to spend more of our weekends with our family. The family that is growing come February!